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Describe a Famous Person You Admire: An Ultimate Guide for IELTS Speaking

The Speaking section of the IELTS exam consists of three parts: Introduction and Interview, Long Turn, and Two-Way Discussion. Each part has specific requirements and focuses, and an IELTS Speaking Examiner evaluates candidates based on fluency, coherence, vocabulary, grammatical range, and pronunciation.

Among various topics, describing a famous person you admire is a common prompt in the IELTS Speaking test. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to mastering this topic, complete with sample answers and detailed analysis for high scores.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Sample Response:
  • 2.1 Cue Card:
  • 2.2 Sample Answer:
  • 3.1 Examiner Questions and Sample Answers:
  • 4.1 Key Vocabulary:
  • 5.1 Examiner’s Tips for High Scores:

Part 1: Introduction and Interview

In Part 1, the examiner asks personal questions to assess your ability to converse about familiar topics. These questions could include:

  • Have you ever met a famous person?
  • What do you think makes a person famous?
  • Who is your favorite famous person and why?

Sample Response:

Question: Who is your favorite famous person and why?

Answer: My favorite famous person is Elon Musk because he is a pioneer in technology and space exploration . His innovative vision and drive have led to groundbreaking achievements with companies like Tesla and SpaceX . I admire his relentless pursuit of progress despite numerous challenges.

Analysis: This response uses specific examples (Tesla, SpaceX) and positive attributes (innovative, relentless pursuit) to demonstrate admiration. Keywords such as “pioneer,” “groundbreaking achievements,” and “technology” align well with the topic.

Part 2: Long Turn

Describe A Famous Person You Admire . You should say:

  • Who this person is
  • How you know about this person
  • What they do
  • Why you admire this person

Sample Answer:

The famous person I admire most is Marie Curie . I first learned about her in school when we studied pioneers in science . Marie Curie was a physicist and chemist who conducted pioneering research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and remains the only person to win Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields. Her dedication and contributions to science are truly inspiring. Despite the obstacles she faced as a woman in her era, she persevered with unwavering commitment . I admire her intellectual brilliance and resilience , which have made a profound impact on the world.

Examiner Follow-up Questions:

  • Do you think it’s important to have role models? (Yes, role models can inspire and motivate us to achieve our goals and improve ourselves.)
  • In your opinion, what qualities make someone admirable? (Qualities like perseverance, integrity, and the ability to overcome challenges make someone admirable.)

Analysis: This answer provides detailed information on Marie Curie and uses specific achievements (Nobel Prizes) to illustrate why she is worth admiring. Words like “dedication,” “commitment,” “intellectual brilliance,” and “resilience” are key terms that contribute to a high band score.

Marie Curie

Part 3: Two-way Discussion

In Part 3, the conversation shifts to a broader discussion related to the topic in Part 2. The following questions could be asked:

Examiner Questions and Sample Answers:

Question: How do famous people influence society? Answer: Famous people can significantly influence society by setting trends and serving as role models. For instance, influential figures in science and technology , like Elon Musk , can inspire young minds to pursue education and careers in STEM fields. Celebrities can also impact social and cultural norms through their advocacy and public behavior.

Question: Do you think all famous people deserve their fame? Answer: Not necessarily. While some individuals gain fame through genuine accomplishments and positive contributions, others might achieve fame due to controversial or sensational activities. True merit-based fame should ideally reflect real achievements and contributions to society.

Analysis: These responses highlight the ability to discuss abstract and broader implications of fame. Using terms like “influence,” “role models,” “advocacy,” and “merit-based fame” indicates a higher level of analytical thinking and sophisticated language use.

Vocabulary and Phrases for High Scores

Key vocabulary:.

  • Example: His innovative ideas transformed the industry.
  • Example: She was a pioneer in developing new teaching methods.
  • Example: His relentless pursuit of excellence led to success.
  • Example: The groundbreaking research changed the course of medicine.
  • Example: Her resilience in facing challenges is admirable.

In conclusion, describing a famous person you admire requires specific examples, sophisticated vocabulary, and structured thinking. Practice consistently with these guidelines in mind to enhance your fluency and coherence. Consider reviewing related topics for a broader understanding, such as how celebrities influence society or what makes people famous .

Examiner’s Tips for High Scores:

  • Fluency and Coherence: Practice speaking continuously and logically.
  • Lexical Resource: Use varied vocabulary and avoid repetition.
  • Grammatical Range and Accuracy: Utilize complex sentences and proper tenses.
  • Pronunciation: Work on clear and accurate pronunciation, including stress and intonation.

By following these strategies and continuously practicing, you’ll be well-prepared to achieve a high score in the IELTS Speaking section.

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Describe a famous person you admire and why.

You should say:

  • Who is the famous person you admire, and what is their background and accomplishments?
  • How did you first come to know about this person, and what inspired you to admire them?
  • What specific qualities or attributes of this person do you find most admirable, and how have they influenced you personally?
  • Can you share any anecdotes or moments from their life or work that exemplify why you admire them so much?

Sample Answer 1 (Band 7):

The famous person I admire greatly is Mahatma Gandhi. He was a renowned leader in the Indian independence movement and a champion of nonviolent resistance. There are several reasons why I hold him in high regard.

Mahatma Gandhi’s life was marked by his tireless efforts to end British colonial rule in India. What I admire most about him is his unwavering commitment to nonviolence, even in the face of oppression and violence from the British authorities. He demonstrated that peaceful protests and civil disobedience can bring about significant social and political change.

Furthermore, Gandhi’s ability to mobilize and inspire millions of people is truly remarkable. His leadership in the Salt March and the Quit India Movement, among others, showcased his capacity to unite people for a common cause. His dedication to the principles of truth, nonviolence, and simplicity served as a guiding light for millions.

In addition, Gandhi’s impact extends far beyond India’s borders. His ideas on nonviolence have influenced civil rights movements and leaders worldwide, including Martin Luther King Jr. and Nelson Mandela. His philosophy of “satyagraha” or truth force has left a profound mark on global movements for justice and equality.

In conclusion, I admire Mahatma Gandhi for his unwavering commitment to nonviolence, his ability to inspire and mobilize masses, and his global influence on movements for justice and equality. He has not only been a pivotal figure in India’s history but has also left a lasting legacy on the world stage.

Sample Answer 2 (Band 9):

The person I profoundly admire is Albert Einstein, a brilliant physicist known for his groundbreaking theories of relativity and contributions to the field of theoretical physics. My admiration for him is not only because of his remarkable intellect but also because of the profound impact he had on our understanding of the universe.

Einstein’s most famous equation, E=mc^2, is a fundamental equation in physics that relates mass to energy, revolutionizing our understanding of the physical world. His theory of relativity challenged conventional wisdom and reshaped the way we think about space, time, and gravity. I greatly admire his ability to think beyond the boundaries of contemporary knowledge and question the status quo.

Moreover, Einstein’s personal attributes, such as his relentless curiosity and perseverance, are qualities that I find truly inspirational. He faced numerous obstacles in his life, including escaping Nazi Germany during World War II, and yet he continued to pursue his scientific inquiries with unwavering determination.

In addition to his scientific contributions, Einstein was a passionate advocate for civil rights, pacifism, and world peace. His strong stance against the use of atomic weapons and his involvement in the anti-nuclear weapons movement demonstrated his commitment to the betterment of humanity.

In summary, Albert Einstein is a person I deeply admire for his intellectual brilliance, his curiosity and perseverance, and his dedication to the well-being of humanity. His legacy in the fields of physics and human rights advocacy is an enduring source of inspiration for me and countless others.

Follow up questions:

  • Question: Can you elaborate on the specific accomplishments of this famous person that you admire?

Sample Answer: Certainly, the person I admire, Mahatma Gandhi, achieved several remarkable accomplishments during his lifetime. He played a pivotal role in India’s struggle for independence through nonviolent means, led various movements and campaigns, and successfully negotiated with the British authorities to bring about change. His dedication to nonviolence and civil disobedience, such as the Salt March, are some of his most significant accomplishments.

  • Question: How has this famous person’s work or ideas influenced your own life or beliefs?

Sample Answer: The influence of Mahatma Gandhi on my life has been profound. His philosophy of nonviolence, simplicity, and truth has shaped my own beliefs and actions. I strive to resolve conflicts peacefully and advocate for justice and equality in my own community, inspired by Gandhi’s teachings.

  • Question: Can you share a specific quote or saying from this famous person that resonates with you, and explain why?

Sample Answer: One of Gandhi’s quotes that deeply resonates with me is, “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” This quote emphasizes personal responsibility and the power of individual actions to bring about positive change. It has motivated me to actively contribute to the betterment of society and make a positive impact.

  • Question: Do you think the famous person you admire faced any significant challenges or criticism during their lifetime?

Sample Answer : Absolutely, Mahatma Gandhi faced numerous challenges and criticisms throughout his life. His commitment to nonviolence and civil disobedience was often met with resistance from both the British authorities and some factions within the Indian community. He endured imprisonment, opposition, and criticism, but he remained resolute in his beliefs.

  • Question: How has this famous person’s influence extended beyond their own country or region?

Sample Answer : Gandhi’s influence extended far beyond India. His philosophy of nonviolence and civil disobedience inspired many other leaders and movements worldwide, including Martin Luther King Jr. in the United States and Nelson Mandela in South Africa. Gandhi’s principles continue to be a source of inspiration for advocates of justice and civil rights globally.

  • Question: Can you describe any public events or movements associated with the famous person you admire?

Sample Answer : One of the most well-known events associated with Mahatma Gandhi is the Salt March, which took place in 1930. It was a 240-mile journey to the Arabian Sea, where Gandhi and his followers collected salt from the seashore, defying the British monopoly on salt production. The Salt March became a symbol of nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience against British colonial rule.

  • Question: How do you think the world would be different if this famous person had not existed?

Sample Answer: If Mahatma Gandhi had not existed, the struggle for Indian independence might have taken a different course. His leadership and philosophy of nonviolence played a pivotal role in shaping the Indian independence movement. Moreover, his influence on the global stage regarding nonviolence and civil rights would have been greatly diminished, potentially altering the course of history.

  • Question: Are there any controversies or debates surrounding the life or work of the famous person you admire?

Sample Answer: Yes, there have been debates and controversies surrounding Gandhi’s views on certain topics, including his personal life and relationships. Some have questioned his approach to various issues. However, it’s essential to consider the context of his time and the broader impact of his work on nonviolence and civil rights.

  • Question: How has the famous person’s legacy been preserved or celebrated in your country or around the world?

Sample Answer : In India, Gandhi’s legacy is celebrated on his birth anniversary, October 2nd, which is observed as a national holiday. There are also numerous statues, museums, and educational institutions dedicated to him. Internationally, his legacy is commemorated through various events, awards, and organizations promoting peace and social justice.

  • Question: Can you suggest any books or documentaries that provide more insights into the life and work of the famous person you admire?

Sample Answer: Certainly, there are many excellent resources to learn more about Mahatma Gandhi. One of the most famous books about his life is “The Story of My Experiments with Truth,” his autobiography. Additionally, the documentary film “Gandhi” directed by Richard Attenborough provides a detailed and cinematic portrayal of his life and work.

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[IELTS Speaking] Describe a Famous Person

Posted by David S. Wills | Oct 15, 2017 | IELTS Tips , Listening | 0

[IELTS Speaking] Describe a Famous Person

In part two of the IELTS speaking exam, you may be asked to describe a famous person . You will of course be given a minute to think about your answer and make some notes . Then you have two minutes to talk. But what things should you say? How should go attempt to describe a famous person?

All of this will be discussed in this article.

Table of Contents

Cue card: describe a famous person, how to make notes, vocabulary for describing famous people, sample band 9 answer.

You will be given a cue card with information that you must address in your speech. Before attempting to answer, you must make sure you fully understand the question and all the things you have to talk about. Don’t rush in and start speaking about any famous person. (Check out our lesson on describing a sportsperson .)

Here are some of the variations on the topic of describing famous people:

  • Describe a famous person in your country.
  • ……………………………………. you’d like to meet.
  • ……………………………………. you admire.
  • ……………………………………. you are interested in.

There are plenty of other options. Make sure you pay attention to the second part and make reference to it, and of course talk about all the points you are required to mention. To do this successfully, you must make appropriate notes.

In the IELTS speaking test part 2 , you don’t have much time to make notes, so you must do it efficiently . Don’t attempt to write any full sentences. Just note down ideas and vocabulary. These should help you to structure your talk and remember any important words. Don’t write down anything unnecessary or it will just cost you valuable time.

Note-taking is quite a personal process and you should do whatever works best for you. This might mean doing a mind-map, or perhaps writing an ordered list. Maybe you like to sketch ideas or associate words. Whatever helps you remember is fine. Just be sure to write quickly as you only have one minute .

Once your notes are written, you should be ready to talk. Work through your notes slowly and calmly, elaborating on each point slightly. You only have to talk for 1-2 minutes, so don’t worry. The biggest mistake students make at this point is talking too fast and finishing in less than a minute. Practice speaking from notes at home to counteract this stress.

In IELTS, it’s important to use precise vocabulary and that means your language will depend on the person you choose to talk about. Describing Lady Gaga, for example, would require very different language from describing Joe Biden!

However, here are some useful words and phrases that might help you talk about famous people:

X is famous/known for…This can be used to say why someone is famous.Cyndi Lauper is famous for her pop song, “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”
controversialIf someone is controversial, they are known at least partly for getting in trouble.Nowadays, J.K. Rowling is a controversial figure due to comments she has made on Twitter.
iconWhen someone is extremely famous in a particular field, they are an icon.Mick Jagger is a musical icon.
influentialA person who is influential has had an influence on many people.Coco Chanel was one of the most influential designers of the 20 century.
starred inFor actors, we can use this phrase to introduce some of their work.Johnny Depp has starred in dozens of films, including Edward Scissorhands.
internationally renownedIf you want to avoid the word “famous,” this is a useful expression.Haruki Murakami is an internationally renowned author.
brought joy to millionsThis expression highlights the positive aspects of someone’s work.Taylor Swift’s songs have brought joy to millions.

You can find some useful adjectives for describing people here . You might also want to read some articles or Wikipedia pages about famous people and make notes on useful language that you find. This is a great way to get ideas as well.

Answering the Question

By now you should have chosen a person you wish to describe, analysed the question to decide what you need to say, and written some appropriate notes. Therefore, it is now time to start speaking. Here’s an example question and answer to help you:

Tell us about a famous person you would like to meet. You should say: who is he/ she why do you want to meet him/ her why he/she is famous and explain what would you do if you meet him/ her.
A famous person I’d like to meet is Bryan Cranston . He’s an American actor who is best-known for his role as Walter White in the famous TV show, Breaking Bad . Actually, Bryan Cranston has appeared in many TV shows and movies, including a really funny show that he did before Breaking Bad called Malcolm in the Middle . However, I think for most people he’s always going to be identified with the character of Walter White, the chemistry teacher who turned into a drug dealer. His performance in that show was so iconic that he will forever be remembered not just by fans but anyone who knows anything about American TV. I want to meet him not just because he’s a great actor but also because I’ve heard him give so many interviews and he seems like a really great guy. He has amazingly funny stories to tell and he always gives so much of his time and energy to his fans. I don’t really know what I’d do if I met Bryan Cranston because I’ve never actually met a famous person before. However, I’d probably shake his hand and tell him I really admire his work on screen and on stage. If he was willing to talk, I’d ask him about making Breaking Bad and I’m sure he’d have some wonderful stories to tell me.

Here is a video of me giving the above sample answer. You can try to copy my style of speech. It might help you with pronunciation issues and fluency.

In the above speech, I’ve addressed all the points from the cue card, although not necessarily in order. I first said who Bryan Cranston is and then explained why he is famous, before moving on to why I want to meet him and what I would do in that situation. This seemed to me a more natural structure and easier to talk about. If you talk randomly on different points without connecting it in your head, you will find it harder to talk for a long time.

You can find out how to start a part-2 answer here . There is more guidance on structuring your answer here .

I’ve highlighted some useful language in bold, which I will explain below:

  • eg “who is best known for her hit song, ‘Shake it Off'”
  • eg “who is best known for his masterpiece, ‘Animal Farm'”
  • “iconic” – essentially, this just means very famous – ie a person who has become an icon
  • eg “I like him not just because he’s a good guy but because he seems really interesting.”

It’s really important in the IELTS speaking test part 2 that you prepare your answer. You should make some useful notes to help you talk, and then speak slowly and calmly, elaborating upon your notes as you speak. When describing famous people for IELTS, remember to include some appropriate adjectives and adverbs for descriptive purposes, and always give reasons and examples to justify your statements. This will boost your IELTS speaking score significantly.

About The Author

David S. Wills

David S. Wills

David S. Wills is the author of Scientologist! William S. Burroughs and the 'Weird Cult' and the founder/editor of Beatdom literary journal. He lives and works in rural Cambodia and loves to travel. He has worked as an IELTS tutor since 2010, has completed both TEFL and CELTA courses, and has a certificate from Cambridge for Teaching Writing. David has worked in many different countries, and for several years designed a writing course for the University of Worcester. In 2018, he wrote the popular IELTS handbook, Grammar for IELTS Writing and he has since written two other books about IELTS. His other IELTS website is called IELTS Teaching.

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First, congratulations to 3 Keys student Leart, who got an overall 8.5 on his IELTS Exam!

Today’s question was posted by a subscriber 3 days before his exam.

(If he were a 3 Keys student , he could have had his answer the very same day he posted it in our course Facebook group !)

Many students may approach this question by trying to describe someone famous , like a political leader or a genius of some sort.

I feel that’s a mistake, because you probably don’t know enough about this person to fill 2 minutes with specific, accurate information.

Therefore, I recommend describing a person you know .

That way, you can also tell a story or two about them which exhibit the traits you admire most.

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Also, you have a personal connection to the person, which will improve your expressive pronunciation .

Notes from Jessica’s answer:

❃ Overcame a lot

❃ Family early- 3 kids

❃ 40’s- got BA in nutrition

❃ I helped with algebra

❃ MA psychology

❃ Thousand Oaks- prestigious school district head

❃ Living the dream in Southern California

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Finally, comment on this video, and tell us about the person you admire most.

In our online IELTS course, 3 Keys IELTS , we give you all the strategies and practice you need to score highly on all parts of the IELTS exam.

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Describe a person you love/like/admire

You should say

  • who that person is
  • what you usually do with this person
  • how often you see this person

and explain why you love/like/admire this person.

Sample Answer 1: 

“More often than not, if people are asked this question, their answer would either be a celebrity like an actor or a singer, a politician, or someone who is famous. But for me, I would have to say that the person I most admire is a family member. 

For everyone, ‘family’ is the most valuable asset. One cannot exist without a family, and a family is a place where everyone may expect to get anything without expecting anything in return. That is why the person I look up to the most is my father. He keeps our family together. In my life, he is my hero. For his exceptional abilities, my father is extremely admirable.

He has led me along the right route so that I can excel in both my professional and personal lives. He aided me in every way imaginable while I was a child, and as I grew older, he showed me how to make decisions. The most essential thing is that he never compels me to do or perform something against my choice. He always gives me the benefit of the doubt, presents me the options, and leads me to choose the best path. I am now a well-known photographer in our city, thanks to his guidance. When he learned that I wanted to be a photographer, he lowered his costs in half and purchased me the first camera of my life.

My father is no longer employed and spends his time with his family and friends. Most of his pals have retired as well, and they spend their time together reminiscing about their youth. My father also takes my mom out on occasion. They spend the entire day outside and return at night, just like they did when they first married. My parents’ romanticism appeals to me. Furthermore, my father enjoys gardening and looks after the garden in front of our house. He frequently purchases flowers in various categories and requests that I photograph him with the plants.

I admire and will continue to admire my father for his honesty, integrity, and sense of duty. I have never seen him neglect his obligations to my family. My father’s most distinguishing characteristic is his compassion for people, regardless of their relationship with him. In the midst of his hundreds of tasks, he rushed to care for a member of the family who had become ill. He also used to assist the poor and keep the events hidden from us. I am extremely fortunate to have such a wonderful father.”

Follow-up Question:

Does your father know how much you admire him?

“Yes, I have told him before and I would definitely continue to let him know how much I admire and respect him not just as my father but as a person as well. He deserves to know the kind of impact he had on me and my siblings.”

Do you think you would also become a good father in the future? 

“It’s really hard to know what the future holds, but if I would be like my father, even half of what he has accomplished, I’d be extremely grateful. He has become a good father to me and my siblings and a good husband to my mom and we couldn’t ask for anything. I sure hope to be like him when the time comes.“ 

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01 IELTS speaking part 2 tips

  • Use an opener.
  • Answer the question by paraphrasing.
  • Use different tenses/structures .
  • Include fluency markers and linking words. 
  • Use some less common vocabulary (as seen below) 

02 Key topic vocabulary: A person you admire 

  • Inspiring (adj) - to make someone want to do something. (usually positive)

Eg. My father is very inspiring. He always encourages me to follow my dreams.

  • Influential(adj) - having the power to change things. 

Eg. Barack Obama is an influential man.

  • Legacy(n) - something that a person leaves when they die. 

Eg. The writer's legacy was his great books.

  • To follow in the footsteps (p) - to do the same thing as someone else did in the past.

Eg. I  followed in the footsteps of my mom and became a teacher.

  • To revolutionize (v ) - to change something a lot.

Eg. Apple revolutionized the computer industry.

  • Epitome of (n) - the best example of.

Eg.  New York is the epitome of a big city.

  • To strive to (v) – to try very hard to do something.

Eg. I strive to be good at my job.

03 Vocabulary Quiz

Now, take the quiz below. More than one answer may be possible. Choose the most appropriate answer.

04 Listen and fill in the blanks

Listen to the model answers by playing the below video. If you prefer to read the answers, keep on scrolling!

05 Sample answer & preparation

Now it's your turn! Prepare your own answer using what you learned. You can see our full sample answer below.

  • Who he/she is.
  • What he/she is like.
  • How you know about this person.
  • Why you admire this person.

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Describe a person you admire, describe a person you admire..

  • who he/ she is
  • how you know him/ her
  • what characteristics this person has

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How to Write a Speech About Someone I Admire

Kimberley McGee

Tips on Writing a Welcome Address at a High School Graduation

It is an honor to be asked or to be able to write a speech about someone that you admire. When the task is to write a speech, it can feel like a daunting endeavor, particularly when the subject is someone you look up to or who had a large impact on your life. Whether it is for an award ceremony or a school assignment, family reunion or wedding anniversary, cobbling together a compelling speech about someone you admire can be a moving moment as well as an enjoyable experience.

Getting Started on Speech Writing

Before you reach for all the words, begin with just a few. Create an outline that will touch on your key points. Consider the person and jot down what comes to mind when you concentrate on the individual as well as how he or she has made an impact on you and others. If it is a family member, reach into the past and showcase some of his or her early experiences.

Once you have a relatively rough outline of what you hope to touch on, write your introduction. The introduction sets the tone and grabs your audience. Some ways to craft an attention-grabbing introduction is to start with a question, a well-known joke or anecdote. Make sure it is something that the entire audience can understand.

Person I Admire Speech Body Basics

When writing a speech about someone you admire, turn your attention not only to the person, but accomplishments, inflections of speech or other personal traits. There are two objectives when giving a speech, to make a good impression and leave the audience with a clear and informative understanding of your subject. Consider your audience before sitting down to write your speech. The missive should reflect the occasion, either light and jovial or stern and touching. Focus your audience’s attention on the main facts quickly by giving a preview in the opening descriptive paragraph. Establish goodwill from the beginning and grab the crowd’s attention with a pithy turn of phrase or poignant piece of literature.

Reach Out for Inspiration

Look at an example of a speech about someone who was admired for speech writing tips. Comedian and actress Maya Rudolph gave a gripping commencement speech in 2015 that focused on people that she admired. These included her family as well as people she admired in the industry, including Oprah Winfrey and Beyonce. If you need moments of inspiration while you are writing your speech about someone you admire, turn to those who have gone before you. Studying compelling speeches can help you understand how to convey emotion and impact through your carefully chosen words. If you are writing about family members, ask those who have given speeches in the past for encouragement.

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Kimberley McGee is an award-winning journalist with 20+ years of experience writing about education, jobs, business trends and more for The New York Times, Las Vegas Review-Journal, Today’s Parent and other publications. She graduated with a B.A. in Journalism from UNLV. Her full bio and clips can be seen at

Describe a famous person that you are interested in


a famous person you admire presentation

Table of Contents


You should say Who this person is? How you know about this person? What sort of life they had before they became famous? How this person became famous? And explain why you like this person?

Sample Answer   1


Although I know various famous people, there is one in whom I am interested.

Who is this person?

His name is Sandeep Maheshwari, and he is a renowned Motivational speaker, photographer, Youtuber, and social activist.

How do you know about this person?

About ten years back, I was giving through a lean patch. Furthermore, I was finding it challenging to make both ends meet. During that time, I started watching motivational videos of Sandeep Maheshwari Sir. 

What sort of life did they have before they became famous?

Mr. Sandeep Maheshwari is a live example of persistence conquering resistance. Before becoming a successful entrepreneur, he tried his hands at many businesses. However, to his dismay, he did not get success.

After that, he changed his strategy and started working towards solving the  pressing problems  of society. He left no stone unturned to motivate people to lead their lives toward an impressive growth  trajectory .

Within one year, he became famous, and his fan following increased appreciably. The other reason for his becoming famous is his understanding of human emotions. His vast knowledge empowers him to offer practical solutions to people’s problems.

How did this person become famous?

Sandeep Maheshwari, the sir, became famous when people started liking this content on Youtube. People from all walks of life watch his videos with keen interest.

And explain why you like this person.

I like this person because of his philanthropic attitude. In this era where people run from pillar to post to maximize profits, this person has carved out a niche by changing people’s lives through his teachings.

Sample Answer   2


  • Being a person of inquisitive nature, I love to study the lives of famous people.

 Who is this person?

  • Although many famous people have inspired me, I am a keen follower of Mr. Darren Hardy.
  • He is the author of one of the world’s selling books called “ The compound effect .”
  • After passing graduation, my life was going through a lean patch.
  • I was becoming a failure at whatever I was doing.
  • During that time, one of my friends gifted me this book on my 22nd birthday.
  • After reading this book, there was a  paradigm shift  in my thinking process.
  • To extract more from the book, I wanted to know more about the author.
  • That is why I researched the life of Mr. Darren Hardy.

What sort of life he had before he became famous?

  • He started his career as a businessman at the age of eighteen.
  • In 2007 he joined Success Magazine and Success media as a publisher.

How this person became famous?

  • In 2010 he wrote a book the name of “The compound effect’.
  • It became a best-selling book.
  • That book led to exemplary changes in the lives of its readers.
  • The success of that book made Darren Hardy a famous person.

Why do you like this person?

  • The reason why I like him is that he has oversimplified the process of achieving success in life.
  • The principle he has depicted in his book is a must-have to lead your life toward an impressive growth  trajectory .
  • Due to these reasons, I am a big fan of this famous person Mr. Darren Hardy.

Sample Answer 3

Being an ambitious person, I keenly follow those famous people who have carved out a niche for themselves.

The famous person I am interested in is Indian cricketer Virat Kohli.

Being a cricket fanatic, I have this uncanny knack for following famous cricketers. Virat Kohli helped the Indian junior cricket team lift the under-19 world cup, and I became his fan.

Virat Kohli had a humble beginning; he hails from a middle-class family. Since his childhood, he dreamt of becoming a cricketer, but he did not have much support. His life went through a lean patch when he lost his father in his budding years.

However, the adversities did not deter him from achieving the target. Due to his stupendous performances as a batsman, he got selected for the Indian cricket team.

In his first few years as an international cricketer, Virat Kohli was an average performer; his career went through a paradigm shift after he realized the significance of physical fitness. After becoming a fit person, he became a run machine and earned the coveted title of the best batsman in the world.

I like this person because of his dogged determination and positive attitude. He is a perfect role model for youngsters. By following Virat’s footsteps, youngsters can lead their lives toward an impressive growth trajectory .

Sample Answer 4

Being an avid reader, I have read about famous people. Recently I read an article that made me a diehard fan of a well-known person.

The name of this person is Elon Musk, a new-age businessman. 

Two years back, I watched a documentary on Tesla Motor Inc. That was the first time I came to know about him.

Elon musk was born and brought up in South Africa. In his early career, he spent time in Canada before finally shifting to the U.S. He completed his education at the University of Pennsylvania in physics. And he made his mark as a serial tech entrepreneur with initial success stories like Zip2 and He was the brain behind establishing the company that became PayPal.

He has become famous for two reasons. Firstly he brought a paradigm shift in the automobile industry by manufacturing the “Tesla Car.”It is an electric car that is helping the world to fight environmental pollution.

Secondly, he started a project named “Space x.” This initiative would find ways to colonize the planet Mars.

The above two projects have made Elon Musk a famous person.

I like this person because of his habit of doing things beyond the conventional domain. He is leaving no stone unturned to solve the pressing problems of planet earth, like pollution and overpopulation. I always seek flashes of inspiration from him to lead my life toward an impressive growth trajectory.

Sample Answer 5

Although numerous famous people have made a mark in this world, I have a special liking for sportspersons. There is a famous cricketer that impresses me, and I am interested to know more about him.

The name of this person is Mahendra Singh Dhoni. He was the erstwhile Captain of the Indian cricket team.

Mahendra Singh came into the limelight when he hit a century against the Pakistan cricket team in a nail-biting match. From that day, I started following him on various social media platforms.

Mahendra Singh Dhoni had a humble beginning. He was born in the Jharkhand state of India. His father was in a government job, and Dhoni too followed in his footsteps by becoming a ticket collector with Indian Railways.

However, he had big dreams, and to fulfill them, he had left his job and focussed on his cricketing career.

He became famous when he led India to victory over Pakistan in the T20 world cup final in the year 2007. The match reached a tense situation, with Pakistan having the upper hand. But MS Dhoni maintained his cool and captained the team with determination, dedication, and discipline to win the cup for India.

I like this person because of the various qualities he has. Firstly, he works with serenity during challenging times, which is why cricket experts call him Captain cool.

Secondly, he is a great thinker of the game. Under his  aegis , the Indian team won all the prestigious championships.

Sample Answer 6

Although there are numerous famous people, I have a special liking for a renowned Punjabi singer.

His name is Gurdass Mann.

Since my childhood, I have been his staunch supporter. I have grown up listening to his songs.

Gurdas Mann is a learned person. Before becoming a renowned singer, he worked with an electricity board. Despite a humble beginning, he has achieved tremendous success in his life.

Gurdas Mann had an interest in music from his childhood. Back in the 1980’s reliable platforms were not available to showcase talent. Due to this, he had to wait for a long time for an opportunity. Despite repeated failures, he worked with determination, dedication, and discipline. And his big break came when one of his albums.” Mamla Gadbad Hai,” went viral.

I like him because, unlike other singers, he focuses on the melody. There is no denying this  conviction  that most artists these days leave no stone unturned to rake in big bucks. But Gurdas Mann never runs after money, and his central focus is always on highlighting the pressing problems of society through his songs.

Moreover, he works for the upliftment of the weaker sections of society and runs many NGOs. Due to this uncanny knack for doing things beyond the conventional domain, success has made inroads in his life.

Being an  altruistic  person, I would like to follow in his footsteps to help society.

Follow up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner might ask during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card “  Describe a famous person that you are interested in.”

1. What type of people are famous in your country?

There are three types of people who have become famous in my country. The first category is of filmstars. In my nation, the film industry is known as Bollywood. Any of those celebrities who do some remarkable movies become famous by default.

The second category is of sports stars, especially cricketers. Millions of people adore their favorite sports personalities, and they go beyond the conventional domain to support them.

Moreover, politicians are also famous in my nation. Some become popular by helping society, and some get negative publicity due to scams.

2. How do people become famous nowadays?

These days the best way to become famous is by working on an out-of-the-box idea. For example, many people nowadays are becoming famous by posting unusual content on social media.

3. What is the difference between people who were famous earlier and who are famous now?

In the past, people used to become famous by doing genuine work. However, these days, anyone can become famous by doing something beyond the conventional domain.

4. What qualities do famous people have in common

Famous people have this uncanny knack for leaving no stone unturned to achieve success. They work hard with determination, dedication, and discipline to achieve their goals.

5. What do you think about nepotism amongst famous people?

Nepotism is a pressing problem in our society. Because due to this, numerous people fail to achieve recognition: Moreover, the hidden talent does not come out.

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8. Describe a person who inspired you to do something interesting IELTS Cue Card

9.  Describe a website which helped you to do something/ website you visit often/use regularly IELTS Cue Card

10.  Describe a piece of good news you heard from others IELTS Cue Card

11.  Describe a place there was a lot of noise IELTS Cue Card

12.  Describe something you taught to your friend/relative IELTS Cue Card

13. Describe your experience when you changed your school/college

14.  Describe a place/country in which you would like to live/work for a short period of time IELTS Cue Card

15. Talk about an interesting old person you met recently IELTS Cue Card


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13 Conversation Starters That Will Get You Talking With Someone You Admire

What do you say when you meet someone you look up to.

13 Conversation Starters That Will Get You Talking With Someone You Admire

Imagine yourself at a conference, music performance, party, or other event. Across the room, you see someone you've always admired. What do you do? Do you skulk away? Or do you walk up to the person and start a conversation. And if so, what will you say?

Here are some conversation starters that will work with almost anyone. Use them to get some interaction going between you and the person you look up to. You're smart enough to take it from there.

1. 'I really like your work."

From movie stars to CEOs to authors to researchers, this opener works with nearly anyone. It tells people you've been paying attention to them--and in today's over-stimulated world, your attention is one of the greatest gifts you can give. One caveat: Do  not  use this opener unless it's true. If you really haven't been following someone's work, don't pretend that you have.

2. "I really enjoyed your presentation."

If the person has just given a speech or performance, or if you've seen them onstage elsewhere, then saying that you enjoyed listening to them will win you points. Again, don't use this approach if it isn't true.

3. "I liked what you wrote in your last blog post."

If the person you want to talk with has written a blog post or article or book that you agree with or enjoyed, saying so can be a good way to get the two of you talking. It may also work to say you disagree with something they wrote, but that can be a much riskier strategy and you'll need to have a very sensitive touch if you try it. Saying you liked or agreed with something usually works better since few people are immune to flattery, even if they think they are.

4. "I found further information about something you're interested in."

I was at a conference recently where Gail Sheehy gave a presentation. She talked about many of the famous people she's written about, including Margaret Thatcher who--to my surprise--she described as quite sexy. I had to know more, so I looked up some images of Thatcher and sure enough, she had long and very shapely legs that she often showed off to her advantage. I showed Sheehy one of those images, and we wound up talking off and on for the next hour or so.

5. "Where did you get the idea for...?"

If the person you want to talk to has done anything creative or innovative, asking where the idea for that product or work came from is likely to work well. Most people enjoy talking about their work, and there's often a good story behind a good idea.

6. "What's your opinion about...?"

These days, there's a lot of prognostication around the coming presidential election as well as the state of the economy. Just about everyone has an opinion about what's going to happen, and most people love to be asked what their opinions or projections are. If there's a big sports event coming up, such as the Super Bowl, and you know the person is a fan, asking for their predictions is another great way to get a conversation going.

7. "What's your next project?"

Most people love to talk about what they're working on or planning, but not everyone, so this will be effective often, but not always. Have a change of subject ready in case you hit the rare person who doesn't like talking about works in progress.

8. "Are you having a good event?"

Asking someone if he or she is having a good time is always a good conversational gambit, even with a total stranger. Since you're both at the event together, it subtly reinforces the bond between you as well.

9. "I really love your pin/scarf/hat, etc."

If the person you want to talk to is wearing anything unusual, or unusually lovely, complimenting that piece of clothing or accessory is usually a good bet. My husband once started a conversation with Nicolas Cage by asking what kind of cigar he was smoking. Complimenting someone on their personal appearance,  such as their hair, tends to be riskier--don't do that.

10. Join an existing conversation.

If there's already a group of people gathered around your target with a conversation going on, don't let that keep you away. Walk up and stand at the edge of the group, and listen for a while till you get a good sense of what they're talking about. If you just stand nearby, chances are the group will gradually open up to include you. And if you have something of interest to contribute on the topic at hand, then wait for an opening and jump in.

11. "Can I bring you a beverage?"

If your target is surrounded, he or she may not be able to get to the drink or food stations. Offer to fetch something to drink, even if it's just a glass of water. Your thoughtfulness will win you points, even if they don't take you up on your offer.

12. "Can I ask your advice?"

Most people like to share their wisdom, so asking for advice is often a good way to get someone talking with you. One approach is to ask what advice they would give a young person who is just starting out and wants to succeed in their profession. (You can always invent a nephew or niece on whose behalf you're asking the question.) Or if there's advice you want on your own behalf, then ask for that.

13. "Would you consider...?"

In some situations, you get only a few moments to talk to someone high-profile and you have to make those moments count. If that's the case, the best strategy may be to quickly ask for what you want, since you might not get another chance. "Would you consider...?" is usually a good way to phrase such requests. It's respectful and indicates that you're not assuming they'll give you what you want. Besides, all you've actually asked them to do is think about whatever it is you want from them. That's a lot easier to say yes to.

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the famous person i most admire

The Famous Person I Most Admire

Jul 24, 2014

410 likes | 2.49k Views

The Famous Person I Most Admire. Miss Velez. Table of contents. Anticipatory Set Project Overview Sequence of Activities Grading. What does it mean to admire someone?. Admiration : an object of wonder, pleasure, or approval. Someone you hold in great regard, affection, and approval.

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Presentation Transcript

The Famous Person I Most Admire Miss Velez

Table of contents • Anticipatory Set • Project Overview • Sequence of Activities • Grading

What does it mean to admire someone? • Admiration: an object of wonder, pleasure, or approval. • Someone you hold in great regard, affection, and approval. • Someone you look-up to.

Project Overview • You will each pick a famous person that you admire. • You will do research on this person using the Internet. • You will then create a PowerPoint slideshow on your subject to show the class.

Week One • Choose a subject by asking these questions: • Who is someone famous that inspires you? • Who is your role model? • Who do you aspire to be like? • Who has accomplished great things?

Week One (Continued) • You will spend the rest of Week One researching your subject in the computer lab. • You will need to collect ten detailed and interesting facts about your subject. • You will print these facts for me to collect by the end of Friday of Week One to check your progress.

Week Two • We will continue to work in the computer lab. • You will be given a flash drive on which to save all your work. • After participating in my tutorial on using PowerPoint, you will work in pairs to create two practice slides for evaluation.

Week Two (Continued) • Once you have successfully completed your PowerPoint practice slides you may begin construction of your slideshow for your most admired person. • You must include the ten facts that you researched on the Internet during Week One.

Week Three • You will continue to work on PowerPoint slideshows. • I will be grading on neatness, attractiveness, grammar, and structure. • You must include pictures/images of the person you admire. • You will need to provide a few key reasons why this person is significant to you.

Week Four • Presentations begin. • Each student will present their PowerPoint slideshow for five to ten minutes using the information stored on their flash drive. • You should speak clearly and loud enough for all to hear. • You should demonstrate enthusiasm for and knowledge of your subject.

The End • I will offer support to any who need it. • Feel free to work at home to complete and enhance your projects. • Remember to have fun as you learn!!!

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    The famous person I admire greatly is Mahatma Gandhi. He was a renowned leader in the Indian independence movement and a champion of nonviolent resistance. There are several reasons why I hold him in high regard. Mahatma Gandhi's life was marked by his tireless efforts to end British colonial rule in India. What I admire most about him is his ...

  3. Describe a Famous Person you Admire [for IELTS Speaking Part 2]

    IELTS speaking part 2 often requires you to describe a person of some kind. It may be a friend or family member, but today we will look at the cue card: "des...

  4. Describe a well-known person you like or admire

    Malala Yousafzai is a Pakistani activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate. She was born on July 12, 1997, in the Swat district of Pakistan. What this person has done: Malala came to prominence after being shot in the head when she was just 15 years old.

  5. IELTS Speaking Part 2 & 3 Topic: Describe a famous person that you admire

    Topic: Describe a famous person that you admire. You should say: - Why do you admire him. In my to-meet list, there are so many well - respected celebrities whom I am desired to meet and spend time with. However, I would like to share about Pele, who is nicknamed as the greatest soccer player in the Globe. Initially, I really need to kick ...

  6. Describe a Person You Admire

    You may need to describe a person you admire on IELTS Speaking Part 2, and you need to be ready with high level vocabulary! Today you'll get a band 9 Speakin...

  7. [IELTS Speaking] Describe a Famous Person

    icon. When someone is extremely famous in a particular field, they are an icon. Mick Jagger is a musical icon. influential. A person who is influential has had an influence on many people. Coco Chanel was one of the most influential designers of the 20 th century. starred in.

  8. Speaking about a person you admire

    Ask them to choose three or four adjectives from worksheet 2 and ask them to think about why they admire this person. Ask learners to present their person to a partner and to talk about why they admire them. Encourage the listener to ask questions to try to find out more about the person. 10. Homework.


    This is an IELTS speaking model answer - part 2 from Cambridge Mindset for IELTS book. It's good for IELTS learners to listen, take note of how she developed...

  10. Describe A Creative Person You Admire: IELTS Cue Card

    You might encounter the cue card task in the IELTS speaking test, which asks you to "Describe a Creative Person You Admire." Discussing a person who has had a significant influence on the ...

  11. Video: Band 9 Speaking Part 2 Sample Describe a Person You Admire

    December 4, 2018. Today you'll get a band 9 Speaking Part 2 sample answer about a person I admire. Click here for your free Video IELTS Masterclass! First, congratulations to 3 Keys student Leart, who got an overall 8.5 on his IELTS Exam! Today's question was posted by a subscriber 3 days before his exam.

  12. Describe a Person You Admire

    Sample Answer 1: "More often than not, if people are asked this question, their answer would either be a celebrity like an actor or a singer, a politician, or someone who is famous. But for me, I would have to say that the person I most admire is a family member. For everyone, 'family' is the most valuable asset.

  13. Someone I admire

    Tell us about a friend or family member who you admire. I admire my granmother. I prefer her because she is a beautiful person with kind heart. She is 65 years old and she still working in hospital like nurse. She have a big passion to help other people in need. I would like to be like her and I wish to be. She live in Greece.

  14. Ielts Speaking Part 2: Describe a Person You Admire

    In this lesson, you will review speaking part 2 tips, learn some key vocabulary related to a person you admire and listen to or read a sample answer for an IELTS speaking part 2 question related a person you admire. This lesson is divided into 4 steps. 01 Review part 2 tips. 02 Study key topic vocabulary. 03 Take vocabulary quiz.

  15. Speaking skills: A person you admire

    The noun is admiration and the definition is: Admiration is the feeling of respect that you have for someone because of what they have done or a personal quality that they possess. We would like you to tell us about a person that you admire. This person can be a footballer, a sports person, a celebrity, a politician, someone in your family or ...

  16. IELTS Speaking tips

    IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe a person you admireIn this video, I am going to give you a list of 12 important things that we can admire people for. If you ...

  17. IELTS Cue Card Sample 424

    Model Answer 1: There is a good number of famous and celebrity personalities in my country, Bangladesh, whom I admire. Some of these celebrities are sportspersons while others are from different kinds of cultural circles. Today, I would like to talk about a sports celebrity who is not only admired by me and my fellow countrymen but also by many ...

  18. Describe a person you admire

    You can make some notes to help you if you wish.] Model Answer 1: Admiration to any individual comes from the heart and requires lots of endeavours as well. I admire a man in my family from my teenage for his extraordinary qualities. He is the uncle of mine, the husband of my maternal aunt. Looks like a Hollywood hero with a height of 6'1".

  19. How to Write a Speech About Someone I Admire

    Person I Admire Speech Body Basics. When writing a speech about someone you admire, turn your attention not only to the person, but accomplishments, inflections of speech or other personal traits. There are two objectives when giving a speech, to make a good impression and leave the audience with a clear and informative understanding of your ...

  20. Describe a famous person that you are interested in

    13. Describe your experience when you changed your school/college. 14. Describe a place/country in which you would like to live/work for a short period of time IELTS Cue Card. 15. Talk about an interesting old person you met recently IELTS Cue Card. Describe a famous person that you are interested in. Cue Card 2021.

  21. 13 Conversation Starters That Will Get You Talking With Someone You Admire

    1. 'I really like your work." From movie stars to CEOs to authors to researchers, this opener works with nearly anyone. It tells people you've been paying attention to them--and in today's over ...

  22. IELTS Speaking Part 2

    People 1: A famous person . Describe someone who is famous in your country (Or describe a famous person who you admire) You should say: Who the person is. Why he/she is famous. Why you admire this person. What you would do if you met this person. Sau đây là một số gợi ý để bạn trả lời:

  23. The Famous Person I Most Admire

    Week Three • You will continue to work on PowerPoint slideshows. • I will be grading on neatness, attractiveness, grammar, and structure. • You must include pictures/images of the person you admire. • You will need to provide a few key reasons why this person is significant to you. Week Four • Presentations begin.